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Friday, January 01, 2016
It's certainly long since I last posted here haha.
Bt since its de 1st day of 2016, I see a need to pen down my thoughts somewhere.
Wanted to post on FB, bt i decided to post here for a lil more privacy.

2015 is over.
It is a full working year, and i can only say, it really passed too fast.
Nonetheless, it was a wonderful year.
Went for 2 grad trips - virgin trip to Korea w girlfriends, and thailand w Top 5.
It was certainly fun w de ppl, n i really do miss the trips.
Apart from that, it was kinda a milestone at work too.
Received de outstanding contribution award, and managed to tank through the months where my colleague is on maternity.
Survived being de only HR officer in office.
Maintained de contacts w de usual few groups, which im really grateful for.
Overall, it was a pretty gd year i must say.

Coming next, is 2016, which will be pretty different.
Probably not gonna say out the reason here; the close ones would have alr known.
Its smth new that i've nv encountered, and so to be honest i'm abit worried and scared.
After all, it had been a couple of years.
But i know this decision is eventually a gd one.
I mean, no doubt it hurts, but its better to have it done now when we're young.
Its jus a matter of getting used.
Meanwhile, i guesd its also time for us to focus on ourselves abit more, n give ourselves and our closed ones more attention.

2016, pls be good to me, because I really need that :')

--Merci tout le monde--
1:56 AM

Thursday, June 26, 2014
haha hello~
really long since i last blogged.
Wonder if anybody still comes here? haha
just suddenly felt like blogging, because kinda had some thoughts today.
it was a day, mixed with happy and sad moments.

It started off a little bad.
den after a while, it was ok.
but moments later, it became bad again.
and then, it was ok again.
see what i mean? moodswing probably.
kinda tough to deal with that, but oh well~

but umm. after that went for facial.
it was good and traumatising as well? haha
apparently my dead skin on my face is really thick, so thick that i can't feel the prickly feel that I'm supposed to get =X
but good thing was that i managed to sleep during facial today.
even to the extent that i dreamt hehs.
n the dream was a little epic and funny haha!
becos i was putting on mask, i dreamt of that as well.
n i dreamt that i left and bid goodbye with my mask on, n then i went back to find my consultant.
n then i asked, i don't have to remove this?
she say don't need. but i told her it was rigid and restricting my facial movements hahaha
n moments later i woke up and she helped me to remove the facial mask haha
epic max~

anyway it was a good facial i feel.
thought will come back and go for a good dinner but smth happened.
so yeah, in de end dinner cancelled. so yeah, another bad thing.
but in return, got to have dinner with wenxiu before the movie with sove.
so it wasn't that bad.
n on the way to west mall, met annabelle from mcyc, my previous volunteering organisation.
n yeah, it made me felt good cos she remembered me and we had a short chat.
n i had a good dinner and chat with wenxiu as well.
on the way to west mall on 157, it kinda made me think about the memories of travelling to njc.
n at the moment really felt like going for a long ride on the bus alone, jus looking out of the window and looking at the surroundings.
a very nice therapy i feel.
n it was during that moment that made me felt more, and had more thoughts.

i realised that i really should pay more time and attention to things around me.
i should not revolve my time on only one person, nor just my family.
its all about balance, and i believe its all about myself.
i think i should give myself enough space to be alone, n enough time for other people as well.
for him, for my parents, for my friends, etc.
sometimes, some alone time is really good i guess. therapeutic =)
n then i wanna say something as well.
whenever something bad happens, don't be demoralised and sad and depressed.
because there will be good, or even better things that will come.
stay positive, and everything will be good =) <3 p="">stay strong everybody, we can all do this! :)
--Merci tout le monde--
11:08 PM

Monday, February 03, 2014
needed an avenue to post something long, and i decided this shall be the place.

today. i received smth bad.
nt smth that happened to my family, or me, but the impact is still there.
my good friend's mum passed away, in an accident.
an auntie that used to be so close to me.
an auntie that talks so often to me.
the only mum of a friend that is so nice to me.
we chatted quite often, esp during pri sch when i always go to their house.
i always see how she nags at my friend.
i saw how loving they became.
though i only went to their new house once, which was probably the 2nd last time i saw her,
& we rarely met ever since we went sec sch, & esp after they moved,
she still left a deep impression in me.
i believe she still rmb me and so do i.
& my annual meet up with the girl, didn't make us very far apart.

& tdy, hearing the news, really saddened me.
mind blank, tears in the eyes, just so empty.
& i know my dear girl & her family must be feeling much much worse.
i really can't imagine what is happening at her side.
someone who is so well and healthy, someone who's happily talking about retiring back in msia
& suddenly she met an accident and left.
there's probably still so much stuff for her to see, to finish, to fulfil and to enjoy.
but she lost the chance to.
& its all too sudden. really too sudden.
accident, or disasters, are really the worst way to leave, in my opinion.
becos there's no warning.
a moment earlier, you may be happily talking to the person
and moments later, that person is no longer here.

when i heard the news, different scenarios kept playing in my mind.
i kept thinking how it is like over there.
how would she be like, how would her family be like.
it must be really really terrible. terrible to the max.
i really can't imagine if it happened to me.
it's.. its too cruel..
imagine your family, with one person lesser.
someone who cooks your meals. someone who washes your clothes
someone who nags you. someone who's a close friend to you
someone who listens to you complain. someone who's always there for you.
suddenly, she's gone...

my condolences.
auntie, rest in peace.
may you be happy up there.
you're a great mum, definitely.
you'll be missed, greatly.

& to my dear friend.
jiayou. stay strong.
i know its definitely hard to get up.
but stay strong. we're here with you.
she may be gone, but she'll always be with you.
cos she's always living in your heart.
--Merci tout le monde--
11:52 PM

Wednesday, January 01, 2014
it's probably really really long since i'd been here =)
but I suddenly had the feel to blog haha.
cos it was really a beautiful day to me =)
initially, i thought it was just another ok day, n i thought there wasn't really any bang.
but i realised, despite it being a somehow normal day, with jus a simple gathering with sove,
it was a really great day for me.
the little things <3 p="">
i spent the first few minutes of 2014 with my dearest.
or rather, spent the last few moments of 2013, and see how it turned to 2014.
we decided to not join the parties, partly cos he had work today
but also cos, we decided to finally had a simple countdown tgt, just the two of us.
it wasn't anything special.
we didn't go out to some faraway place and get the atmosphere or wat.
it was just a simple meet up, travelling to JE cos we needa waste time,
and also to chat on the way and catch up on our one week's updates
& then we head back to boon lay to catch the fireworks, to get involved in the party somewhat haha
we talked anything and everything, smth that i really like about us.
we shared our views, our thoughts, our little things in mind.
& tgt, we thank each other for the tough year that passed, and promised to work tgt for the coming year to come.
be it good or bad, or rather, be it good and bad, we will face it tgt.
& yups. looking forward to the countdown but was really a little disappointed.
becos we really wan the moment of seeing it turn to 2014.
but a pity, boon lay system probably screwed up a little.
no countdown, and fireworks just boomed.
nvtheless, we witnessed the end of 2013 and start of 2014 tgt =)
got sprayed by the foam cans and whatever, smth that we didn't expect >.<
bt well! since we're wet, forget about it haha. just enjoy!

& we had our gift exchange after that. shall not elaborate on that i guess
shall be our secret haha
but umm! parted after that, headed home, checked msgs, talked to friends etc haha.

&this morn, was so afraid parents will head out for breakkie without me
so kept looking up at the clock haha.
but managed to eat breakfast w parents, and my uncle and aunt and cuzzie =)
just a simple breakfast, but its somewhat nice =)
n i love the part of walking around market too with all the stalls out there hehe.
cny feeling ^.^
head home and started to prepare after resting just for a lil while
n off to meet my sove lovelies =)

honestly we didn't do much.
spent quite some time in the room watching tv while having our pot luck dinner
went out to take strolls twice.
but the second time was nice and fun with the photo taking session x)
n we had our little surprise/plan but it wasn't really sustained
but it was nice also la =)
n then we sorta went crazy during photo taking session
doing little funny and crazy stuff
but it was really nice =)
ended it with a cake and present for wei ting, and i headed back home with jingmin
talked throughout the whole train ride and managed to share stories with each other
so nice =)

yups. there're all simple and little things.
n i probably dint spend much today except for the present.
bt it was really really nice.
i really love it, n I'm so happy as i walked back from lakeside.
not the tired feeling, not the feeling of sianness and eagerness to head back to sleep
but the happy feeling kind, feeling so satisfied for the day =)

i had learnt, that u don't need to go to those expensive place to really be happy =)
indeed, places like zoo, SEA aquarium, nice cafes and such.
they are good
but if we can't go there, its fine too
there are other ways to find happiness and enjoy ourselves =)
it's all within ourselves. its how we define it, n how we make ouselves feel happy and satisfied.
& so with this, somehow, my new year resolution came to mind:
1) to be contented with life, and to stay happy and positive with whatever i had, & to not take things for granted.
being able to go to expensive places or cafes or restaurants, should be a luxury, not a necessity.
it isn't the price that should determine the happiness level.
it's the company, the heart.
being with your loved ones, even doing the simplest thing could be the happiest thing =)
& so, i wish to spend more quality time with my loved ones, & not look at those materialistic stuff =)
2) as usual, slim down, or get into shape =)
current aim, hopefully to be able to find a day a week at least, to run =) really need slim down~
yups. 2 main new year resolutions.
don't need too many of them, just needa keep with this 2 simple ones and it'll probably be a great achievement =)

cheers to a great 2014 ahead x)
--Merci tout le monde--
10:53 PM

Tuesday, December 03, 2013
hello! long time since i'd blogged
but decided to blog today cos wanna record down what happened today ^.^

so today, me&him had our first SG tour!
yes, after being together for so long, we haven really did this before, though we did walk quite some distance before, like from bugis to raffles, or clarkequay to city hall or smth liddat
but yups,had always planned to go for hawker centre hunting n such, but kinda always failed
finally today, we carried out our plan of walking home from central area, w/o transport haha!
we didn't make it through somehow,only completed half; from bugis to tiong bahru
ok, maybe 1/3 hahaha
but this is because we made a lot of detour! and we spent a bit too much time at city hall in the morning hahhaa

first we went to pray and went to have breakfast there.
reaching bugis was already tough cos of my dizziness in the morn >.<
but we finally managed to reach bugis safely, prayed, and then went to have breakfast at albert centre
we walked ard to see what food is popular, and what we wanna eat.
however, when we decided to go back to our first choice, fish ball noodles which had a rather long queue,
the stall's lights went off; signalling they sold finish their noodles T.T
sad sia! we were probably just a little slower >.<
and so we gotta settle for other choices.
in the end settled for ba chor mee cos got craving for it haha.
n yups! after breakfast, brought some1 up to see the dried goods, and off we go~!

went bugis junction for a while and toured a lil there before we set off for city hall.
walked thru shaw centre, and reached suntec.
again, spent quite some time there, den marina square.
and after that we went city hall, and kinda was lost on how to go raffles place.
cos somewhat, we had an impression that there was an underlink linking city hall to raffles place.
but, we were wrong =(
we went through one big round, and we came back to the mcdonalds side, where we originally were lol
so yea, we wasted time walking one big round hahaha

and then, the same thing happened when we were going from outram to tiong bahru.
we got lost, cos we took the wrong path at one of the junctions
so we walked n walked, n realised we came to havelock road & waterfront plaza instead of tiong bahru plaza.
n so after resting a while at great world city, we tried to find our way to tiong bahru plaza.
walk n walk, bt things are so unfamiliar.
looking for ganges ave, but we saw all kinds of name but that.
in the end we chose to follow our instinct.
after a long walk, we finally came out of the district of mansions and expensive private houses
and to our dismay, we came out to where we were!
becos before we walked into the mansions area, we saw "fraser suites"
n then when we finally came out after a long walk through the mansions, i was shocked to see that again.
n when we double checked and looked back at the surroundings, yes! we were just further in front just now!
so, we actually walked 1 big round through the mansions, when we can actually jus walked further straight up haha!

n yes, mainly due to this 2 big rounds of unnecessary walk, we took a lot more time than needed haha.
n yep we walked a lot more than required too whoops.
but well, we both agreed it was still a great walk after all =)
n we got to see things we won't get to see if we walked the right way ^.^
& the proud thing is we done this by ourselves!
though we referred to the map when at great world city, we didn't depend on the map at all!
so kudos to us for that ^.^

n yes, after taking a rest at tiong bahru plaza, we decided that we were really tired..
and so we decided to stop there.
given our body condition (nv exercise for quite long), & that we really walked quite a lot already,
we thought it was good enough this time hahaha.
shall continue from tiong bahru plaza next time! hahaha

oh anw, another thing to say.
so actually, its easier to walk from city hall to clarke quay than city hall to raffles place?
or maybe raffles place's distinction from city hall is rather blur.
but we really just walked to clarke quay unknowingly haha
quite interesting i feel x)

oh,and I'm nt working liao =(
supposedly working from 5-20 dec,but ended up they found internal transfer
walao =(
no choice lo~ guess will take this as a break then??
somehow my this wk is packed anyway~~~
just that will be spending and spending =(
but its ok! my tuition's gonna resume soon ;)
at least gt some income ba!!

okok, time to stop.
quite a long post ba?
can't wait for these few days' activities
esp meeting my beloved asy who's back! ^.^
--Merci tout le monde--
8:53 PM

Saturday, November 09, 2013
hello! i believe its quite long since i'd blogged! ^.^
so just thought i should do a short one since today is quite a fulfilling day.
had a quiz in de morn, not very confident somewhat.
followed by 2 proj meetings.
nonetheless, it felt great, maybe cos i feel the load was kinda lighter without having a quiz to study and memorise in a short period of time.
n so i did a lil teenie weenie bit of stuff and went to JP with parents =)
finally some family time!!!

had Old Town; it was really long since we last ate that and the nasi lemak was soooo niceeeee >.<
should have ordered that seriously ahhh hahha.
but ate a lot of mum's share =P
and then after that walked ard to look out for mum's winter clothes =)
wah, all are quite ex sia..
bt i guess its gonna be a good investment ba!
and i got a super chio pair of pants hehe!
didn't wanted to get it cos i rarely wear pants but it was really nice when i wore it hehs.
so in de end bought it!

she hit onto the table, and it must be super damn pain cos she even cried >.<
or rather she teared. didn't say anything but tear jus flowed down, must be real painful >.<
poor mummy....

okies i got no mood to blog liao boohs..
hope mummy's toe will be better.
rarely see her tear de nia.. must be so damn painful ssssss =((
off to do work liao ciaos~
--Merci tout le monde--
11:01 PM

Saturday, October 05, 2013
Hehe feeling so overwhelmed by sweetness nw
My senior is so cute n sweet!! 
He actually flew to tw to look for my another senior(his gf)!! Cos she's having exchange thr now.
N it was a surprise for her. Aww~! 
Seeing her insta pic of de 2 of them, plus her captions, totally made me smile nonstop ^.^
Still rmb i used to be de freshie tt sits in between them for a yr hahaha
N how i wished they were tgt when i kp seeing them tgt
N when he sorta confessed his feelings during v day n bought her her fav blue roses =p
Was really happy for them when they gt tgt.
N from then, jus like hw i'd smile when i see photos of sl n jack, i cant stop smiling seeing her post abt their wj story haha.
So sweet n nice~!! ^.^

N often at times like this
I really hope they will last.
Act for alot of my frens who're attached, i do imagine them being tgt till they're married.
Mayb its a v naive thought. Bt duno leh.
I like to think it tt way.
N this is probably why sometimes i'll feel sad n disappointed upon knowing some break-up stories.
Cos i really tot they will last.
Mayb its cos of de age tt we r at now
Having a r/s does have a possibility of it advancing in an eternal one, ie marriage
Oh well~! We cant predict de future.
So for nw, i'll still like to think tt all couples i know will last n get married eventually :)
It'll definitely be super cool to attend one of such weddings =P

N nope, IM NOT HINTING >.<
N im nt complaining either for de sweet part haha.
Happy for how we are nw :)
Diff kind of happiness felt perhaps.
Bt still, im contented w what i have now
At least, its genuine happiness tt i know others cant give me :)
Diff ppl jus have diff ways of showing their love, n maintaining de r/s ba, yes? :) 
The most impt thing is, u 2 r happy in tt r/s. Tts enough :)

--Merci tout le monde--
11:23 AM

note de prise!
do your best for everything, and have no regrets after that.
Don't cry that it's over, but smile because it'd happened =)
Memories&Music [m&m]
les gens
AiYin x)
Asyikin <3
Charissa Seah x)
Clarinetists x)
Elmira x)
Esther <3
Fang Yi
Jeslyn x)
Joseph x)
Kailin <3
Tammie <3
TCB <3
Vannie <3
> mémoires
'02.2005' '03.2005' '04.2005' '05.2005' '06.2005' '07.2005' '08.2005' '09.2005' '10.2005' '11.2005' '12.2005' '01.2006' '02.2006' '03.2006' '04.2006' '05.2006' '06.2006' '07.2006' '08.2006' '09.2006' '10.2006' '11.2006' '12.2006' '01.2007' '02.2007' '03.2007' '04.2007' '05.2007' '06.2007' '07.2007' '08.2007' '09.2007' '10.2007' '11.2007' '12.2007' '01.2008' '02.2008' '03.2008' '04.2008' '05.2008' '06.2008' '08.2008' '09.2008' '10.2008' '11.2008' '12.2008' '01.2009' '02.2009' '03.2009' '04.2009' '05.2009' '06.2009' '07.2009' '08.2009' '09.2009' '10.2009' '11.2009' '12.2009' '01.2010' '02.2010' '03.2010' '04.2010' '05.2010' '06.2010' '07.2010' '08.2010' '09.2010' '10.2010' '11.2010' '12.2010' '01.2011' '02.2011' '03.2011' '04.2011' '05.2011' '06.2011' '07.2011' '08.2011' '09.2011' '10.2011' '11.2011' '12.2011' '01.2012' '02.2012' '03.2012' '04.2012' '05.2012' '06.2012' '07.2012' '08.2012' '09.2012' '10.2012' '11.2012' '12.2012' '01.2013' '02.2013' '03.2013' '04.2013' '05.2013' '06.2013' '07.2013' '08.2013' '09.2013' '10.2013' '11.2013' '12.2013' '01.2014' '02.2014' '06.2014' '01.2016'
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image font: adine kirnberg script
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